Many treadmill workouts rely on monitoring heart rate throughout a workout. Weight loss workouts in particular require constant monitoring. Fitness equipment makers responded in kind with offering monitors built-in as an accessory.
3 Types of Heart Rate Monitors:
1. Handle grip sensor a.k.a. pulse grip sensors
Many treadmills offer handles with sensors that measure your heart rate. These are called "pulse grip sensors." They're very basic - you simply grip the sensors and within 20 to 60 seconds it gives you a rate reading. If you're doing a workout that requires heart rate monitoring, then you'll need to keep your hands on the sensor. Below I explain why having to keep your hands on the grip sensors is not very good. Hence, this type of monitor is my least favorite.
2. Chest strap monitors
Chest strap monitors come with wire attachments or it can be wireless, depending on the model. I prefer a chest strap monitor over a handle sensor. For obvious reasons I prefer a wireless chest strap monitor over a wired one.
Why do I prefer a chest strap monitor over a handle grip sensor?
I find when maintaining hold of a handle grip monitor, I burn less energy. My holding on to fixed items act as a crutch so-to-speak. This is a problem because it skews my training numbers. I end up running faster and further and/or on a steeper incline because of the assistance.
Also, I often read magazines or flip through TV channels while on my treadmill. When I take my hands off the handle grip sensors, the computer needs a new read of my heart rate. While the computer detects my rate, the incline may change to accommodate the temporary unknown rate. Essentially, I don't like having to keep my hands on the handles.
A chest strap monitor solves both of these problems because it's a hands-free monitor.
3. Wrist watch monitors - buy separately from fitness equipment
I don't have one, but I would like to get one because it is the least invasive. Good ones, which don't cost too much money, offer plenty of training features - calorie counting, pedometer, measures steps, distance, and speed, time (of course), % of maximum heart rate, high and low target zone with alarm, and more.
If your treadmill doesn't come with a monitor you like, you can buy one. Check the accessory section of the website you where you bought your treadmill because they may offer a separate chest strap monitor that will plug into the treadmill you bought. If you can't get a chest strap monitor for your specific treadmill, then decide on a watch or independent chest strap monitor - whatever your prefer.
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